Extraordinary, Ordinary, Soap! – Chapter 10

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Lucia Used Her Magic Quickly

When you are confused, you need to start with what you can do first.

What can I do right now? Is there something that I need to do that I haven’t done yet? In order to do that, it is better to obey the instructions of the professionals. It is better than to do things based on your unprofessional judgment.

I thought I was under the orders of the Knights and soldiers who are professional in relation to the monsters. Where should we escape, where should we wait so we could not get in the way? In order to protect ourselves it is better to be in one place than be scattered everywhere, therefore, everybody should take refuge inside the castle. In this way “the general people will be saved”.


“Ahm, for those who cannot fight, where should we evacuate? Or is there something that we can do?”

I asked the soldier who is guiding us.


“Those who cannot fight, go inside the hall!”

Certainly, it is better to be in one place. I think it is also better for me to be with everybody else than be alone by myself.


Together with the rest of the people, I went to the hall.

The gorgeous hall is the where balls and parties are usually held. It is decorated with brilliant design with a beautiful music background and where the aristocratic people usually gather.
But now, it is dominated with fear. Instead of the beautiful music, you can hear the crying of the children and the voice of sobbing terror.

People with frightened faces were not interested with the normal things. They just embraced their close friends and love ones as if waiting for the disaster to pass.


The hall can accommodate a lot of people. The shrine and the residence of the royal family is not open to the commoner. We cannot also go to the garden because of the rain. However, there were people from the kingdom who facilitates in dividing the place into small rooms.

However, the hall used to be a place for enjoyment. There is a big balcony where we can access the night wind and see the beautiful grade. There is a big door where you can visibly see the outside.

We just watch the thin drizzle like thread wetting the glass doors.

  It was early to notice it.

“Hey what is that?!”

“No way, the dragon?!”

Under the gray clouds that hang heavily, I saw two figures flapping their wings.  It’s getting closer and closer, who noticed it first?

“That is…Ruff!”

An old man’s scream like that is enough to cause a panic in the dining hall.

Ruff is a white, big demon. It is known to be fed with large animals like people, horses and cows.

Auger and Augris can be attacked from the castle gate and be killed by throwing bows and arrows. But, if you are attacked from the sky, there is no other way.

We all panicked.

As if laughing at us, one Ruff is heading towards us. The other one is going elsewhere, but this one who is getting closer and closer is fuelling our fear.


“I hate it! I don’t want to die!


You can hear the scream like a whirlpool. Angry people are heading towards the exit.
I also thought of running away, but my legs won’t move as I want to. It is also bad that I was at the side of the wall, I cannot repel from the flow of the people. I couldn’t move.

“Everybody! Please calm down because it is dangerous! There are people from the academy who will be here; the Knights can also kill Ruff! Please calm down!”

“What! We have to run!”

“We don’t want to die!”

“It’s painful!”


The hall is frightened.

Frightening. It’s very frightening. Even if a lot of people tell you that it will be okay, I can’t even move my body. my heart beats loudly, I could hear it.




Ruff came in front of me.

Ruff noticed us and came closer, but he bounced back so he wasn’t able to come any closer.


“Ruff, ahh, thanks to the wizard from the academy!”

“But it was scary! If it wasn’t for that magic!”

“It’s okay! We will surely protect you!”


While voices are filling the hall, we can see Ruff pounding through the window.

According to the academy, there is barrier so everything will surely be fine…right?

As the people are flowing towards the exit of the hall, I saw Ruff clinging on the wall with his claws rubbing the windows.





Gang! Pashaa!


I don’t know how many times did he do it, but the sound was continues, until it suddenly changed.

There was a mysterious sound of a broken glass, like a splash of thin ice flowing from the early winter season.


What was that sound? I wanted to confirm it but it suddenly came.




The window was broken. The sharp claws of Ruff broke the polished glass.


People won’t scream when they are really frightened. It was my first time to know it. I realized it for the first time, but there is no reason for me to know it until now.


I slowly broke down on the floor. My knees have no strength. I was shaking.


As he entered the hall, his claws were scratching and crunching the floor.


This time I have no idea what it was.

Along with a crunching sound and the window frame being broken, Ruff turned his ferocious beaks towards us.

“Ceres san, Ceres san, Ceres san!”


In order to protect me, I screamed that name. Or else, because of fear, I might stop breathing.


Because I could see death in front of me.

I saw the soldier who was protecting the hall earlier being hit by the claws.

I screamed and everyone runs away like the spiders. The entrance door is flooded with people who want to escape.

I also need to escape. I thought of it but my body won’t move.


And the glaring eyes of Ruff appeared right in front of me.



Ruff made a sharp voice while swinging his claws towards me.




I tightly closed my eyes and hold on to my strength as Bubbles appeared. I know that it won’t work but it’s the only power left for me.




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